Nasofix Results – All I can say is WOW! (My before and after picture)


Do you still remember my post last month? if not, CLICK HERE.

So basically I used Nasofix for a month and I noticed some changes. My nostrils are not anymore flaring and my nose improved a lot. I have no plans on having the surgery again, EVER! this thing really worked.

So here is my before and after picture:

So as you can see, My nose was quite flaring a month ago and after using nasofix, my nostrils became slimmer and less flaring (if not flaring at all!)

I cannot believe such a device exists? Well, its 2009 so I think we have all the tools and gadget out there it just needs to be discovered. I just hope nasofix can sell their product online or here in America im sure a lot of people will buy. My singaporean friend is such a blessing I love her!

My experience was the device is OK, it was comfortable but it is quite painful during the first 3 days and the plastic thing emits heat. Sometimes it is so hot that I remove the device but I guess its just me since I was told the heat is only the same as the core body head.

The hell with the head I don’t care as long as I’m seeing results! This thing is really amazing guys, I just hope they sell it commercially and not hiding in just 2 countries come on! nose problems are more common in USA than in switzerland and singapore combined, what are they thinking? If they cannot sell it here, why not sell it online? their product is great my goodness it is very helpful and can help people save thousands from Rhinoplasty.

Thats about it, again, great product… very effective if use 30 minutes thrice a day. Also do not change the device position too much it will give slower result. Consistency is important here.


13 responses »

  1. hi i just found out about nasofix and really want to order it. i saw that you started using it in 2009, did the results last for you? it seems too good to be true but ive only found positive reviews, no one ever came back and said if their nose stayed the same after a year or more?

  2. Great that you are happy, but how can I be sure that the product really works and exit. Am of being swindled by cyber fraudsters. Can you please give me an envidence of the existence of the company.

  3. Wow I am truly Impressed with your result! Yours is the Best I have seen. I just purchased my Nasolfix and cant wait!!!!! My nose is pretty much the shape of your “old”nose, any advise as to how u applied it and how many times a day you used it? Thank you for sharing your photos!

  4. Hi I was sooo impressed with your results from the nasofix! I ordered mine and waiting for delivery soon. Please can you tell me how you used yours< my nose is pretty much the shape your old nose used to be, Thank you for your pics

  5. Hello, this is mt second message. I just wanted to know, I see you said you used in 30 minutes Thrice a day? Is that the correct way, cause I see nasofix recommends 15 minutes twice a day,,,but it feels like the results are coming along sooo slow!

  6. Your results are amazing. Have the results proven permanent as it has been 4 years since this posting? In that, I mean do you have to continue using it to avoid your nose reverting back to previous shape in before picture.

  7. Hey there! I am seriously considering getting the Nasofix due to your good reviews on it. You look so beautiful and fabulous! 😀 I have the same type of nose being Asian and wondered where this the device need to place at on the nose. Also since this was in 2009, has the changes been reverted an/or need to do the routine again? Thank you so much, dearie!

  8. I hate to ask but are these results really……real? If so nasofix really is something. I have slightly flared nostrils too and I don’t want to get a nose job because I like my overall shape of my nose but not my nostrils. Please respond back if have time. Oh, and nice blog by the way!

    • yes, results are amazing and its still the game it did not change a bit! im quite happy with it. im not using it anymore for the past year and results has been permanent already.

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